The long summer is over…
I’ve been working at a minimum over the summer which has been a lot of fun and given me lots of time for posting here.
But the students start back in a week and so do the lectures and the practicals in the anatomy lab. I’ve also got some research to do too.
Added to this I’ve just got my first reading and assignments 4000 words every 4 weeks) for the masters in theology I’ve started.
All lots of fun but my Google Reader is now hitting the high 300s of unread posts, and the podcasts are piling up on the phone.
All to say expect a bit less of my ramblings here.
Quality rather than quantity, keep up the good work!
I solved the summer-left-over-problem by planning another sports event, a 30km marathon swim in Ohrid lake in summer of 2013, that leaves a lot of podcast listening while training! And clean your house more often 🙂
i think the running is beyond me!