Anatomy for Emergency Medicine 002: the Vertebral Artery

21 Dec

To complete the C-spine trauma stuff I did a little video on the vertebral artery and the badness that happens to it.


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Here’s a reasonable review of VAD in the Lancet Neurology. Let me know if you have better ones.

If people know any good resources on how to know when to image the vertebral artery in trauma then let us know in the comments.

As usual, I’d love to hear your feedback.


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5 Replies to “Anatomy for Emergency Medicine 002: the Vertebral Artery

  1. Love these podcasts.
    Superb way of learning clinically relevant anatomy.
    Great explanations, excellent use of images and appropriate podcast length for the ADHD-style mind of the ED physician (e.g. to watch while your patient is having that C-spine x-ray). Classical geek point: Atlas carried the heavens on his shoulders rather than the earth. Otherwise can’t fault this at all. Keep ’em coming!

  2. Pingback: Arteriell dissektion av carotis, vertebralis eller basilaris | Mind palace of an ER doc

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