Anatomy for Emergency Medicine 001: Cervical Spine

13 Dec

This is an idea I’ve had for a while now and have been attempting with varying degrees of success on the blog.

I’m an ED trainee of sorts but I’ve managed to find myself teaching anatomy full time for a few years. So in an effort to combine the two and create a somewhat unfilled niche in the blogosphere I’ve been developing some material specifically for anatomy for EM.

The written stuff wasn’t quite cutting it so at David Thorisson‘s suggestion I recorded a little video version.

I hope to make a whole series of these and I’d love your ideas or topics to cover. So far I’ve been mainly thinking about things that interest me but it might be nice to tie in with the curricula for the membership/fellowship exams too.

Hopefully my accent isn’t too impenetrable and despite appearances I do speak English as a first language.

These are free to download and use as you wish under a creative commons license.

Would love to hear your feedback.

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21 Replies to “Anatomy for Emergency Medicine 001: Cervical Spine

  1. Darn impressive Andy, a big topic such as this is so much more easier to learn from a graphical presentation. I found your video very concise and informative. Thanks!

    What software did you use?

    • Keynote for mac. It kicks the ass of power point in my opinion. It deals with video very well, something PowerPoint doesn’t do well.

      I used quick time to to do the screencapture of the presentation and the audio. Worked pretty well for me.

    • Hi tom thanks for the comment. I was in gisborne ed (back in 07) once transferring a young fella to starship who’d broke his neck diving off a pier.i think his was a 2 column fracture if memory serves me right!

      It was a very brief visit I must say but I was well looked after.

  2. AWESOME! I have always hated Anatomy but now I realize I was probably looking at it the wrong way. Really envy the students you get to teach! Its rare for a clinical guy to teach Anatomy in our setting and I can see the difference it makes.

    Cannot wait for the next topics! Keep ’em coming.

    P.S. I had some trouble following it in bits where you got a little hurried, but then again, I am not used to follow anything but Indianized English! 😛

  3. Great stuff, man.

    I am very impressed by both, your explanation skills and the way you prepared the lecture.
    PLEASE, go on with this. In the world of internet EM resources I love the “special” ones particularly. The somewhat abstract thing anatomy is made much more relevant for me with presentations like this.
    Thanks for that.

    Lars ,

  4. Very informative and easy to understand. Ideal for my limited attention span. Great stuff. Look forward to your future presentations.

  5. Amazing presentations! An ED Reg showed me your website last week and I found your talks so useful, especially in the run up to finals. Will share this site with others! Many thanks!

  6. Hello, I’m unable to view your videos for some reason. Do you have any suggestions? I’m on a mac. For example: on this page under the words “would love to hear your feedback” there is just a blank space where I’m assuming the video should be. Thanks!

    • Hi Amy. This has happened a bit recently. I think it’s a problem with GMEP embedding. For now can I suggest going to Vimeo or iTunes to watch the videos. Just search anatomy for emergency medicine

  7. Pingback: Trauma | Academic Portfolio

  8. Andy, this is awesome!!!
    Anatomy for EM has never been made richer, simpler, and even more understandable. i know i’m somehow late to discover these amazing presentations. But, you have put aside a great burden. Thanks on behalf of all people who watched and gonna watch these masterpieces. Good luck

    EM resident at American University of Beirut Medical Center

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