FOAMtastic top 5 for 2012

23 Dec

As per the rules and guidelines set out by by st-emlyns

I only went back to real work in July, so I’m only gonna choose 5 instead of 10 as I just haven’t had enough patients to try out a full 10!

In no particular order


bougie aided cric

Bougie Aided Cricothyroidotomy.

  • I had the misfortune/pleasure/browntrouserinducingmoment of doing my first cric this year and there wasn’t even a hesitation as to which method I used. Lots of people have weighed in on this (in particular Scott) in the #FOAMed world but I wouldn’t have done it without them



NIV via the Oxylog.

  • To be fair I had used this occasionally in the past but then on request Minh did a whole piece on it for me and now it’s routine. Now of course the Oxylog isn’t exactly an ICU quality ventilator but it’s a little bit more controllable and powerful than the creaky bipap machine in the corner that you have to pipe in an unknonwn FiO2 via a sideport…

[wpvideo WQfvb9zo]


ultrasound guided FIAB

  • I’d been using ultrasound for simple femoral blocks for a while but Gareth Hardy and the Ultrasound podcast have persuaded to look a bit harder with the machine and go under the fascia.

ultrasound podcast


Cunningham shoulder technique

  • while I’d tried this before, this was the first year I managed to pull it off



Paraspinal injections for headache

  • Al Sachetti brought this to my attention and while it’s not perhaps the most EBM of procedures I’ve tried it a few times now with pretty good success.



Happy Christmas to all the wonderful readers. Will be back in the New Year. Vive la FOAM.

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